Firestops systems prevent unprotected horizontal and vertical penetrations in a fire-resistance-rated wall or floor assembly from creating a route by which fire and smoke can spread that would otherwise have been fire resisting construction, e.g. where a pipe passes through a firewall.
Fire stopping is also to seal around gaps between fire resisting constructions, e.g. the linear gap between a wall and the floor above, in order for construction to form a complete barrier to fire and smoke spread.
Hilti helps specifiers and building owners by providing the safest firestop products on the market with simple and intuitive installation options designed to help preserve property and protect lives.Hilti firestop solutions provide the best possible protection in all kinds of conditions. In February 2019, an agreement was signed with Hilti, authorizing Al Majd to be the approved applicator for FirstStep Systems.
Now we have a team trained by Hilti engineers, and they are fully aware of the importance of what they are doing and what will be reflected in the safety of life and property.
Thanks Hilti